I Paid $5,000 for Alex Hormozi’s Vegas Workshop - Here’s What I Learned (Review)
A review of Alex Hormozi's business workshops in Las Vegas
In August, I flew to Las Vegas to visit Alex Hormozi’s acquisition.com.
They run business workshops with his team, including Q&A’s from both Alex & Leila Hormozi.
To keep this informative, I’ll give you the highlights of what I took away from the workshop.
#1. Every business has a constraint.
The major thing you learn is that every business, including yours, has a constraint.
Something that’s holding your business back from growing or making more money.
Maybe it’s:
the people who work for you
your lack of marketing
your sales process
…the list goes on.
Looking around the room I was amazed to see the clarity hitting all of the other business owners in the face like a wet fish, as they discovered what their constraint was.
This is important because if you know the #1 thing holding your business back, you should be able to solve it.
Note: The constraint is not always what you think it is - but they run you through an exercise to determine exactly what the constraint is, so you can’t guess incorrectly.
#2. Push or Pivot
There were a lot of great businesses in that room, but half of the founders/CEO’s had no idea how to market their products correctly.
During Alex’s Q&A session, he asked “How many people don’t run paid ads?”
Half of the room put their hands up.
I was blown away by how many millions of dollars these companies were making, without running paid ads, or knowing how to.
A business owner said to Alex:
“this has been great. I can’t wait to go home and make a VSL.”
That guy made $5million a year - and he’d never made a video before. Really?
I realised at that moment there was such a skill gap when it comes to marketing.
Some people know a lot, but they’re in small, niche markets.
Some people know ‘f*ck all’, but they’re in big markets.
I walked out of that room, went to dinner with a friend & business partner of mine and said this…
“We’re opening a marketing agency.”
Half of that room, of smart entrepreneurs, weren’t running ads. They didn’t know how — and had no desire to learn how.
That same half had never done a VSL or made a video for their company.
However, that half combined, probably accounted for more than $200,000,000 in revenue each year.
Imagine how much money they could make if they were marketing correctly.
And here I was, marketing like a beast - but in a tiny niche (close-up magic) that’s small & getting smaller.
So I did, I opened a marketing agency. To take the skills that I & my team already have and apply them to much bigger businesses.
It’s called MTHD Marketing and you can check it out here.
#3. The guy practices what he preaches.
You may think the workshop is the upsell for the book. Nope, you’re wrong.
Alex and Leila have multiple upsells.
Their upsells have upsells - and guess what, the upsell of the upsell has an upsell.
The way they roll out their sales team at the end of a pitch to take your credit card is so masterful and so effective, that it’s honestly scary.
I sat there, bemused, Amex in hand, thinking “Wow, he doesn’t just say it, he does it.”
I came back with the goal of creating more upsells for my business. Then giving those upsells, upsells too.
#4. Make more money with zero effort
“Increase your prices.” Alex said on stage.
Alex breaks down some genius pricing theory, as well as a few easy tricks to apply to massively increase your AOV & LTV for each customer.
I got his ‘pricing playbook’ when I left and read it all on the plane home. So many actionable insights from the price lessons alone.
If you haven’t raised your prices in a few years through fear of losing customers, maybe it’s time to rethink that and implement some of Hormozi’s pricing tactics.
He said himself, that sometimes the quickest way to scale a business is just to increase its prices.
#5. You can lead a horse to water - but you can’t make them drink
Day 2, I’m sitting at the back of the room. My mind is going crazy with all of the things I’ve learned.
Then Leila takes the stage. I didn’t know much about her, other than she was Alex’s wife, but she’s a funny, charismatic & smart woman.
It lifted the energy of the room, because after 2 long days of lessons & insights, people were pretty overwhelmed.
She asked all 50 business owners in the room if they had a question - and guess what, those with the mic asked the same questions they’d been asking Alex’s team of experts for 2 full days.
Questions I’ve heard them get answers to already.
I think there were 2 kinds of people in that room.
Those looking to learn and implement something immediately.
Those who knew the answer, but wanted permission to act from someone smarter & richer than themselves.
It would be interesting, before ever booking to go to one of these workshops, to figure out which one of those 2 kinds of people you are.
So, was it worth it?
I don’t know how much I can really share without giving away the secret sauce of the workshop - but I’ll share this.
They reframe your business, to get you to think like an investor.
Put simply, what’s your business worth to someone who isn’t passionate about it, like you?
After you follow their formula to value it, you’ll clearly see areas to improve the enterprise value of your business. With actionable insights from Alex’s team — and the man himself.
I got so much value from it, that I paid to work more closely with the acquisition team, in something they call VAM.
So if you’re on the edge & not sure if you want to spend the $5,000 or not, I’d say go for it.
It helped me gain some clarity and start MTHD.